Monday, 17 September 2012

“And He was moved with compassion…”

              Jesus’ compassion moved him to action. He healed the sick and helped the poor, the lowly, the sinners.  As Christians, we too should show compassion, but often times we’re too busy or too focused on ourselves to take the time. Sometimes we might even feel sorry for people or feel bad about a situation, but we brush it off and go on with our lives. It never moves beyond a feeling. But this isn’t what Jesus’ compassion was like. His compassion moved him to DO SOMETHING. And this is our story of “compassion in action.”

A few weeks ago, our friend Sauda asked for prayer because she was struggling with worry. Her outdoor kitchen had fallen over because of the heavy storms we’ve been having and seeing that they cook over an open fire, she hasn’t been able to feed her two children. Upon hearing this, Elisa jumped in and said, “We can build her a kitchen!” That day we took food over to Sauda’s and started gathering wood & left over scraps from the builders working on our property. We spent the weekend digging post holes and getting the foundation up and during the week we were able to continue with the building. As we hammered the final nails in, the rains came! We had finished just in time and were able to have the joy of seeing the results of our labor!

            This spawned an idea. What if we came up with other projects to help people around the village? Or what if we worked to raise money to help with specific needs we hear about?

On Friday, Elisa and I (Bekah) went to visit Fancy, a lady in church. As we chatted with her, she told us they don’t have enough money to pay for school fees and of how she hopes to send her 3 girls to Legacy Christian Academy-Uganda. Elisa and I gave each other a look. We knew what our next project would be. In 3 days, the Hurley kids worked hard and were able to come up with the money needed for the registration fees.

            This spawned yet another idea, a club. We can join together to come up with ways to serve the village and put our compassion into action. Of course, it only made sense to name our club “Compassion in Action.”
            So let us share with you our stories and maybe they will inspire you to put your compassion into action too.